About Me

I'm a newbie minimalist who loves art, design, fashion and shopping. On my blog I journal my efforts to break away from consumerism and into contentment while still being me.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Minimalist Wardrobe

These are all my clothes. Not pictured: socks and underwear.

When my husband and I moved, I got rid of any clothing I didn't really love. As a result, my wardrobe is pretty dang minimal. I was quite proud of the fact that my husband and I were able to fit almost all our clothing into a single suitcase. Here's what I currently have:

Tops: 15
Bottoms: 7
Dresses: 6
Coats: 4
Swimsuits: 1
Total: 33

These days I'm rotating between a few warm-weather tops. On the plus side, getting dressed is easy, and every day I get to wear my favorite clothes. But to be honest, after five weeks of this minimal wardrobe, I am getting a little bored, even though I haven't been shopping or looking at fashion blogs. My husband can wear the same shirt for several days, but apparently I cannot.

How do minimalist girls avoid wardrobe boredom? Any tips?

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